Ingredients in our IV Drip Treatments

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IV Therapy fluids

IV therapy is an innovative treatment because it can do so many things. You may rely on a drip IV whenever you feel migraine symptoms coming on, while someone else may use it to recover from a triathlon. IV therapy can do it all, from offering relief during a bout of the flu to supporting anti-aging goals and promoting women's health. This is a versatile treatment, combatting a multitude of different symptoms and daily maladies with various combinations of vitamins, minerals, and medications. With the correct IV ingredients in your bag, you can effectively enhance your life with IV treatment.

That’s because different ingredients in a drip IV accomplish different goals. For instance, a certain medication may be ideal for curbing nausea, while a particular vitamin offers increased mental and physical energy. At Mobile IV Nurses, we can customize your IV fluids with high-quality ingredients targeting your specific needs to bring you the best results. 

To get the most out of your treatment, it helps to understand what’s in an IV drip. There are many potential options, so you’ll make the best choice for your health when you have information on what each ingredient does and how it can help you. Use this guide to learn all about IV ingredients.

Saline Solution

The best place to start learning about drip IVs is with the fluid itself. What is in an IV bag, anyway? 

An IV drip starts with a sterile saline solution. We use two types of IV solutions at Mobile IV Nurses. The first is a 0.9% sodium chloride (also called normal saline) solution. As the name indicates, it contains sodium chloride as well as sterile water. 

The second type of fluid is Lactated Ringer’s. It’s also a saline solution, but it doesn’t have as much sodium chloride as the normal saline solution. Lactated Ringer’s also includes sodium lactate, which is helpful for medical issues that raise the acidity level inside the body. Normal saline and Lactated Ringer’s solutions are both isotonic, which means they help maintain an even osmotic pressure both inside and outside the walls of your body’s cells.

How Your Body Benefits: Both types of solutions are excellent at resolving symptoms related to dehydration. When you lose bodily fluids through something like sweating or illness, your body reacts with a number of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, joint pain, lightheadedness, and dizziness.

An IV’s saline solution rebalances the body with the fluids it needs and replaces electrolytes that the body uses for everything from blood pressure regulation to tissue repair. Also, saline solutions are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, so they’re ideal for delivering IV therapy ingredients, such as vitamins or medications. 

Though many IV drips are merely sterile saline solutions effective for combatting symptoms of dehydration, they can also be supplemented with various styles of minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and medications. Read on to find out more about the types of ingredients included in the IV therapy treatments at Mobile IV Nurses.


Vitamin B Complex

This ingredient is actually a potent collection of various B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine). These water-soluble vitamins do a lot for your well-being, which is why they’re sometimes referred to as the building blocks of the body. Healthy eyesight, digestion, muscle tone, and cognitive function are just a few of the ways B Complex influences good health.

How Your Body Benefits: Many people include B Complex in their IVs to get a jolt of energy when they need a lift. B Complex can also be part of an anti-aging regimen. That’s because this group of vitamins combats free radicals we’re exposed to every day through things like stress and pollution. The result? Less oxidative stress in the body can trigger signs of aging like wrinkled skin. B Complex supplements may also be recommended for certain groups of people. Pregnant women need B Complex for healthy fetal brain development, while people who are older than 50 or on a plant-based diet may require supplementation to avoid a B vitamin deficiency. 

Vitamin B12

B12, or methylcobalamin, is a great health booster. It’s integral for red blood cell production (which can also strengthen the immune system), and it regulates brain and nerve function. Without enough B12, you may increase your risk for fatigue, anemia, impaired memory, depression, or dementia. 

How Your Body Benefits: Vitamin B12 is renowned for supplying energy, so it’s great for recharging. You may also want to add B12 to your IV drip ingredients if you need to support your bones and eyes because it may be useful against osteoporosis and macular degeneration. Pregnant women can help ensure their baby’s health with an adequate supply of B12 because it helps lower the odds of premature birth and birth defects. When combined with another supplement called MIC, it is especially helpful for weight loss. And much like B complex, it’s essential that vegans and vegetarians supplement with B12 because it’s mainly found in animal-based foods. 

Vitamin C

Also called ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a powerhouse for your health. It strengthens your immune system against colds, the flu, and other germs, and it may also aid your heart health by decreasing blood pressure and levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol that contribute to heart disease. But that’s not all vitamin C does—it’s also an antioxidant that fights free radical damage. 

How Your Body Benefits: People often include vitamin C in an IV to help them decrease the symptoms of an illness, as well as the duration of a cold or flu. In addition, vitamin C may have healing effects on the skin, whether it’s a wound or lines on aging skin because it helps with collagen production. Plus, many people report feeling increased energy after an IV drip with vitamin C.

Vitamin D

We need vitamin D for our health, but it’s not always the easiest vitamin to get. Our bodies produce vitamin D when sunlight hits the skin; however, this production can be limited by factors such as the use of sunscreen or too much time spent indoors. You can supplement with foods that naturally contain vitamin D (such as liver or fatty fish) or fortified products such as cereals or bread. An IV with a form of vitamin D called D3 can be more effective than a diet because the IV fluids bypass the digestive system for better absorption.

How Your Body Benefits: With a plentiful supply of vitamin D, you may enjoy strong bones, a healthy cardiovascular system, stronger immunity, improved mood, and enhanced brain health. The vitamin may also offer valuable diabetes and weight loss support. 

Minerals, Antioxidants, and Other Supplements


This antioxidant made up of three potent amino acids is another excellent source for reducing oxidative stress and potentially slowing the resulting physical and psychological signs of aging. It’s a key component—along with B Complex, vitamins B and C, magnesium, and zinc—in the popular fatigue-fighting Myers’ Cocktail IV. 

How Your Body Benefits: You may be interested in glutathione in your IV for possible symptom relief with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. You may also reap detoxing benefits because glutathione clears fats from the liver. Glutathione and its usefulness in disease symptom management—not just with autoimmune disorders, but also conditions such as diabetes or Parkinson’s disease—is an area with tremendous research potential. It has also been shown to help rebuild and restore muscle and joint tissues, making it popular among athletes.


Our bodies require sufficient amounts of magnesium every day for proper function, which earns magnesium the title of macronutrient. Our bones benefit greatly from magnesium, especially for anyone at risk of osteoporosis because of weak or brittle bones. Studies also indicate magnesium’s potential to lower disease risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

How Your Body Benefits: What’s in an IV bag for migraine symptom relief? Magnesium! A very common nutrient for alleviating the effects of migraines, which alleviates the pain associated with these severe headaches. Magnesium can also help calm the side effects of asthma attacks. Athletes commonly use this mineral because it promotes higher energy levels and muscle health, which are helpful pre- and post-workout. Migraines can also help alleviate and prevent muscle cramps.


This mineral is often used as a cold remedy, but it also helps with eye disease (macular degeneration) and wound healing. Zinc is available in foods such as beef and chicken as well as supplements. However, as with other nutrients consumed in food or supplements, you’ll get maximum absorption when taking zinc through an IV.

How Your Body Benefits: Zinc often teams up with vitamin C to relieve the intensity of cold symptoms and help the body recover. It can also be used for skin issues, such as acne and (because it has antioxidant power) fine lines. Pregnant women who may not be getting enough zinc in their diet due to morning sickness may want to supplement zinc to ensure their baby has enough for healthy development. 


The full name of this coenzyme is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. We rely on NAD+ for our well-being because it’s involved in more than 500 enzymatic reactions in the body, may help repair DNA, and it converts food into the energy our cells need to thrive. When we’re younger, this isn’t a problem because our bodies naturally produce NAD+. As we age, however, NAD+ production decreases, making the signs of aging more apparent. 

How Your Body Benefits: NAD+ in either IV therapy or as an Intramuscular injection, is relatively new, and it’s one of the most exciting areas of IV treatment. You may make it an essential part of your regular anti-aging regimen, as NAD+ has the potential to slow the signs of aging on your complexion. You may also feel mentally sharper. People who struggle with sleep issues such as insomnia may also find NAD+ IVs beneficial because the coenzyme is believed to help govern the circadian rhythm for regular sleep/wake cycles.

NAD+ has also been shown to be effective for athletes looking for quicker recoveries from intense sporting events and workouts. The coenzyme has been shown to play a key part in general muscle recovery, speeding up the time in which your muscles return to 100% capacity. This means less time spent with sore muscles and more time performing at your best. NAD+ has also been linked to increased memory capacity and a reduction in overall mental fatigue, another benefit for those looking to stay sharp for whatever challenges life brings.

Finally, NAD+ can be integrated into a substance addiction recovery program for its ability to detox the body and prevent cravings for drugs or alcohol. 

Lipo C

While there’s no fast, easy solution for weight loss, what’s in IV hydration can support your efforts to shed pounds. Lipo C consists of three different lipotropes, which are compounds the body uses in the metabolic process to break down fat. 

How Your Body Benefits: Enhance your weight loss efforts with Lipo C. This supplement may boost metabolism, address fat deposits in the body, encourage liver health, and diminish hunger pangs. You may also feel energized, which can help make exercising easier and more enjoyable. Again, Lipo C can complement a weight loss program that features a nutritious eating plan and regular physical activity.




Pepcid is the brand name of the generic famotidine. It works by using a histamine blocker to lower the amount of stomach acid in the body. 

How Your Body Benefits: A Pepcid-enhanced IV helps people struggling with indigestion, heartburn, ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). IV fluids are especially advantageous if reflux or stomach upset prevents you from comfortably taking an oral form of the medication. Since our IV therapy delivers Pepcid straight into your bloodstream, it avoids your stomach while simultaneously offering relief from heartburn, acid reflux, and other negative symptoms.


In light of the ongoing opioid crisis in America, there’s a need to find non-addictive pain treatment options. Toradol, the brand name of ketorolac, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is non-narcotic. Toradol works to relieve symptoms related to pain by decreasing prostaglandin, which causes inflammation.

How Your Body Benefits: You can add Toradol to an IV if you want relief from pain stemming from surgery, injury, migraines, or another chronic condition. In general, Toradol is a safe alternative to opioid pain medications, working effectively to relieve many types of pain with minimum side effects and no risk of addiction.


Zofran is the brand name of ondansetron, which is an anti-nausea medication. It’s often used by people undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer. 

How Your Body Benefits: Use Zofran as an add-on to an IV if you’re dealing with nausea or vomiting due to an illness or food poisoning. It may also be beneficial for people recuperating from surgery. Finally, pregnant women dealing with severe morning sickness, such as hyperemesis gravidarum, may need Zofran to settle their stomachs. 


Benadryl, the brand name for diphenhydramine, is an over-the-counter antihistamine that is a popular choice for mitigating allergy symptoms. 

How Your Body Benefits: Struggling with allergies? A Benadryl IV may bring welcome relief for itchy and watery eyes, a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and other common allergy concerns. It may also ease the effects of cold symptoms or itchy skin caused by bug bites or rashes.

Benadryl is also used in conjunction with other medications and minerals to decrease or alleviate the pain of migraines. 


Reglan is the brand name for metoclopramide. It treats digestive issues that can cause heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. It also helps empty the stomach of food that lodges there due to gastroparesis, a condition that prevents proper movement through the digestive system. 

How Your Body Benefits: Reglan reduces the painful, unpleasant symptoms of heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and illnesses that cause nausea. 


Phenergan is the brand name of the generic promethazine. It is geared toward allergies because it acts as a histamine blocker. It can also relieve nausea and vomiting. Phenergan can also have a calming effect on the brain. 

How Your Body Benefits: Phenergan provides relief for typical allergy symptoms as well as conjunctivitis. It’s also helpful for motion sickness that triggers nausea or lightheadedness. Some people may use Phenergan in the first few days post-surgery to help them relax. Others use it to make it easier to fall asleep at night if mood disorders such as anxiety are keeping them awake. 

Contact Mobile IV Nurses

If you still have questions about what’s included in an IV bag, and about the various types of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and medications that can be added, the experts at Mobile IV Nurses are here to help you. The medical professionals on our team, which includes Registered Nurses and Paramedics, are highly trained and knowledgeable in IV therapy. They understand the many uses for IV treatment and can help you determine the best therapy for your health goals. 

One of the many benefits of hiring Mobile IV Nurses is our ability to mix and match ingredients to fit your specific needs. You can also rest assured that we use only premium-quality, medical-grade ingredients. These are just like the kind of drip IVs you’d get at a hospital emergency room or urgent care center, but because we offer mobile service at the location of your choice, there’s no waiting around for treatment like you’d experience at typical emergency care clinics.

With Mobile IV Nurses, you get a lot of quality for your money. Our diverse range of IV packages is priced affordably, and any IV ingredient can be added to your drip bag for a nominal fee. 

With numerous locations throughout the United States, it’s easy to find outstanding mobile IV therapy near you. Now that you know the importance of superior IV therapy ingredients, trust Mobile IV Nurses to supply you with the best treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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