IV Therapy Treatment for Digestive Conditions

Support Your Digestive Health With IV Therapy

Excellent gut health is an essential component in overall well-being. Digestive conditions are commonly treated with gut support supplements such as probiotics, but how effective are they when your gastrointestinal lining is inflamed or damaged or if you are nauseous? IV therapy for gut health offers an effective alternative by delivering ingredients that support the digestive system directly into the bloodstream. 

Types of Digestive Conditions

Digestive conditions affect everyone at some point and can impact every aspect of our lives. From indigestion and bloating to constipation and diarrhea, digestive conditions take many unpleasant forms. Gut health is affected by diet, lifestyle factors such as stress or inactivity, dehydration, infections, genetics and alcohol intake.

Five common digestive problems that affect the gastrointestinal tract include: 

  1. Gastritis: An inflammation of the stomach lining.
  2. Chronic diarrhea: Frequent loose stools that continue over an extended period.
  3. Constipation: Decreased stool frequency and very hard stools. 
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome: An uncomfortable abdominal condition affecting bowel function.
  5. Ulcerative colitis: The presence of ulcers in the large intestine.

While digestive conditions differ, many are characterized by symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, sluggishness, bloating, heartburn and severe discomfort. Since oral supplements rely on the effective uptake of active ingredients from the compromised system, IV therapy is an effective way to bypass the gut and deliver nutrients to the body.

a bag of myers cocktail from mobile iv nurses


Our Myers' Cocktail is one of the most popular IV therapies to relieve gut health-related symptoms.
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We recommend this IV package to help restore hydration and deliver a potent vitamin mix to support your gut health.
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Recommended IV for Digestive Conditions

Mobile IV Nurses offer several infusion options to support gut health and get you back to feeling more energized. Our popular Myers' Cocktail IV drips relieve gut health-related symptoms, including headaches and nausea. The IV solution contains vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that support health, rehydrate and help you feel more energized. Best of all, it stays in your system, even during bouts of vomiting. 

The Resurrection Package IV is a cocktail of vitamin-rich fluids that promotes symptom relief for stomach bugs and vomiting. Dehydration is one of the most common symptoms that occur when gut conditions are present, resulting in feelings of weakness, headaches and extreme thirst. IV treatments help to resolve dehydration and deliver a potent vitamin mix. 

Benefits of IV Therapy for Digestive Conditions

Mobile IV Nurses offer a range of infusion treatments designed to ease the symptoms of uncomfortable gut conditions. We have IV fluids for diarrhea that restore electrolytes from fluid loss and IV treatments for colitis that counter the long-term effects of chronic digestive diseases. Vitamins and add-ins, such as Pepcid and Zofran, are available to target specific symptoms that result from digestive tract issues.

IV therapy is a valuable tool for supporting the body and easing the uncomfortable symptoms of digestive conditions. For example, IV meds for constipation are an excellent way to increase body fluids rapidly, which can support faster relief. Treatments are administered in the comfort of your home or a convenient location, eliminating unnecessary discomfort or embarrassment that often results from gut issues. 

Schedule an Appointment With Mobile IV Nurses

Ease the symptoms of digestive conditions with IV therapy solutions delivered directly into your system. IV treatments from Mobile IV Nurses take between 45-60 minutes and give you more energy to manage your gut issue. Contact one of our live operators to learn more about how IV therapy can benefit you, or book an appointment today!