Foods That Keep You Hydrated

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Most of us know that we need water to survive. We know that our bodies are mostly water. We also know we’re supposed to drink at least eight glasses a day. And yet, countless Americans ignore this simple health advice. So many, in fact, that some reports claim that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

At Mobile IV Nurses, we want all our patients to be hydrated and healthy. That’s why we’re proud to offer IV therapy that floods your system with plenty of fluids, along with essential vitamins and minerals. But of course, that’s not the only way you can keep hydrated — you can also make sure to drink lots of water every day. 

But what if you don’t have the time to drink all that water or take all the bathroom breaks required? What is good for dehydration besides water? Don’t worry —there are plenty of foods that help keep you hydrated.

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Importance of Staying Hydrated 

Water plays an important role in many of your body’s functions. It helps regulate your body temperature. It lubricates your joints. And it even helps improve your mood, cognition, and quality of sleep. However, water is perhaps most important because it helps deliver nutrients to the cells throughout your body.

When you’re dehydrated, your cells can’t absorb vital nutrients as readily as they could in a hydrated body. As a result, your health suffers, causing symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and dry mouth, and particularly severe cases can even result in hospitalization.

But despite water’s many benefits, it can be difficult for many people to get all the water their bodies need. Sometimes, folks don’t like the taste of plain water. Other times, they are just too busy to gulp down all those glasses! But whatever the reason, many people find themselves searching for water alternatives for hydration, like IV treatments or hydrating foods. 

Rich Foods That Keep You Hydrated 

Drinking eight glasses of water each day may seem like a tall order for busy folks on the go. But luckily, staying hydrated isn’t all about drinking water. You can also fill your diet with hydrating foods.

Besides water, what is good for hydration? Try the following fruits, veggies, and other foods:


Cucumbers are light and refreshing, which is likely because they are 96% water. This veggie also contains plenty of potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, so it’s a healthy addition to any salad or sandwich. You can even eat cucumber slices on their own for a healthy and hydrating snack.


It’s no secret that watermelon is one of the best foods for hydration — the clue is right there in the name. This tasty summer melon is about 92% water, which makes it a great option for anyone looking for extra hydration during the day. Not only will you get plenty of water from your watermelon, but you’ll also get healthy helpings of vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, and much more.

Lettuce and Greens

If you want to get extra hydration without even realizing it, a mixed green salad is always a great choice. This is because many leafy greens contain lots of water, such as iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce, spinach, and kale. When you have a variety of greens in your lunch, staying hydrated is a breeze.


At first glance, cauliflower may not seem like a particularly hydrating food. But believe it or not, this dense vegetable is about 92% water! Cauliflower also contains vitamins C and K, and some research suggests it may help lower cholesterol.

Skim Milk

Want to rehydrate while you eat your favorite cereal? It’s possible if you fill your bowl with skim milk. This dairy option contains 91% water, and it’s also packed with vitamin A, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus and potassium. 

Sauerkraut or Kimchi

Looking for a little spice in your diet? Try a spoonful of sauerkraut or kimchi on a sandwich or salad! These fermented foods typically contain up to 96% water and all the spice your taste buds could want! Fermented foods also offer serious benefits for your gut microbiome, which can help improve your digestive health.

Tips on Staying Hydrated 

Eating foods that help keep you hydrated is a great way to promote overall health. However, there are also other things you can do to ensure you stay hydrated all year long. All you need to do is make hydrating a habit! 

Not sure where to begin? We have a few tips to get you started.

Start Your Day With Water

We’ll admit that it’s not always easy to hydrate throughout the day. When you’re busy with work, family commitments, and a million other things, stopping to sip some water isn’t always a priority. That’s why we recommend starting every day with a large glass of water.

If you add a glass of water to your morning routine, you can guarantee that you’ll start your day with a boost of hydration. And as a bonus, that morning glass of water offers a few key health benefits. 

Studies show that drinking water before breakfast reduces your calorie intake during the meal by about 13%, which can be very helpful for people who are trying to lose weight. And drinking water can do wonders for your skin, giving it a healthy glow. Ultimately, rehydrating in the morning can help you feel more alert and energized — not to mention look healthier — when you head out the door!

Use Apps and Alarms

How many times has this happened to you: You fill up a water bottle, planning to sip it throughout the workday, only to totally forget it in your bag?

Staying hydrated requires drinking water (or eating hydrating foods) throughout the day. But if that isn’t second nature for you yet, you can turn to technology to get a little help. Set an alarm, use a hydration tracking app on your phone, or invest in a smart water bottle that will remind you to take a drink several times throughout the day. This will help keep you hydrated and train your brain so that hydration becomes a long-term habit. 

Flavor Your Water

For many people, the problem with staying hydrated isn’t about remembering to drink water — it’s about choosing to drink water. 

If water isn’t your drink of choice, you can always give it a little flavor boost to make it more appealing. Infuse your water with cucumber slices, strawberries, mint leaves, or a splash of lemon or lime juice. Before you know it, you’ll have a tasty beverage that’s much healthier (and more affordable) than a soda or glass of fruit juice!

Get Fluids Through an IV

When the side effects of dehydration (headaches, fatigue, etc.) become too much to handle, you might need to hydrate as quickly as you can. In these cases, you can benefit from many types of IV fluids, which send hydration, vitamins, and minerals directly into your bloodstream.

At Mobile IV Nurses, we provide patients with fast-acting IV treatments that can eliminate the symptoms of dehydration, hangovers, the common cold, and much more. Our team of medical professionals will come directly to your door with the hydrating infusion you need to feel your best. We can even add ingredients like vitamins or medication to help manage your worst symptoms. 

Our infusions are always made from high-quality ingredients that help your body rehydrate, recover, and re-energize. Our team is experienced, qualified, and dedicated to providing the utmost in patient care. And thanks to the different packages we offer, it’s always easy to find an affordable IV therapy treatment that meets your health needs.

Whether you’re feeling under the weather, suffering from a migraine, feeling fatigued, or simply looking to improve your health, Mobile IV Nurses, can give you quick, convenient, and effective treatment. This is one water alternative for hydration that you have to experience to believe!

Are you ready to give IV therapy a try? We have Mobile IV Nurse teams ready to help you in all the areas we serve throughout the United States. Simply call us or visit our schedule online to book an appointment today.

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